Plant Nursery | How to Grow Cordyline in Home And its Varieties


The bright colours of the cordyline plant are well-known. Cordylines come from places with warmer climates, but they can also grow well indoors. You can easily get this from a plant nursery and give an inviting look to your home. Keep on reading to learn more about cordyline

About Cordyline

The Cordyline plant (Cordyline Fruticosa), which is also called the Ti plant, has leathery, spear-shaped leaves that come in many different colours. The evergreen shrub has leaves that can be red, green, white, yellow, purple or a shade of reddish-purple. In early summer, some types of cordyline plants have pink, white, or lavender flowers with berries.

4 Steps to Grow Cordyline Plant

Before you put cordyline in your home or backyard garden, there are a few things you should know.

1. Find The Sunlight: 

Whether you’re planting cordyline outside or inside, the sun is the most important thing. Cordyline plants that grow outside need full sun, while those that grow indoors need a bright spot but not direct sunlight.

2. Determine Soil Type: 

Cordyline can live in dry soil if it has to. But the best kind of soil is one that is moist but drains well. The best soil pH for cordyline is between neutral and alkaline (6-6.5).

3. Make Sure The Soil Can Drain: 

If your cordyline is an indoor plant, the soil needs to be able to drain. They shouldn’t be put in a pot with a saucer because the soil needs to drain and dry out before it can be watered again. You can put gravel or pebbles around the plant to keep it moist and stop the roots from rotting.

4. Change The Weather:

Cordylines grow best in humid weather because they are tropical plants. If you’re growing cordylines as houseplants, you might want to put a humidifier near them for the best conditions. You can also use a mister to spray them every now and then. If you have a Red Star cordyline, you don’t need to mist it because it likes a warm, dry environment.

Varieties of Cordylines Plant

Cordyline Fruticosa: 

This version has colourful, glossy leaves that change depending on the cultivar. The trunk can grow up to 10 feet tall and is also called Cordyline terminalis.

Cordyline Pumilio:

This type comes from New Zealand and is used to sweeten foods. It is also called a dwarf cabbage tree or a pygmy cabbage tree. It doesn’t have a trunk and only grows up to 3 feet tall. Its green leaves look like grass to someone who hasn’t seen them before.

Cordyline Australis: 

The Red Star plant has big, pointed, red leaves that are arranged in a circle. In early summer, it has white flowers. Unlike other types of cordyline, the Red Star Ti plant does best in a dry environment with low humidity and only part sun, not full sun. Because the tap root is so long, the Red Star also needs to be planted in a very deep container.

Cordyline Electric Pink: 

This type of cordyline has long, pointed pink leaves that stand out in any garden. It can survive in temperatures as low as 15°F, which is much lower than most plants.

Cordyline plants help to give an inviting and attractive look to your home. You can place it in your living room, lobby and kitchen. With the help of this simple, caring guide, you can grow it in your home.