What is a Decentralized Application?


What Is a Decentralized Application? A decentralized application, or DApp, is an application that uses block chain technology to create distributed digital ledgers that can be used to record transactions across multiple computers. These applications can use smart contracts, which are self-executing codes that automatically enforce the terms of an agreement between parties when certain conditions are met. The major advantage of these applications over those created using decentralized application development tools is that they don’t require any third-party intermediaries or servers to function properly, and all records of data on the network are completely transparent and public.


A decentralized application (DApp) is an application that runs on the blockchain. A DApp has much in common with the traditional web application, but it’s decentralized and doesn’t rely on any central entity to function. Anyone can download and use the software without needing to register or provide personal information. The best part of using a DApp, unlike with traditional web applications, is that data isn’t stored in one location that can be hacked. Instead, it lives on the blockchain and can only be altered if all parties have reached consensus.

What is a Decentralized Application?

A decentralized application, also known as a DApp, is an application that runs on the blockchain. The idea behind the blockchain was to create digital transactions that couldn’t be tampered with, so by running apps on the blockchain, all data would be decentralized and not stored in one centralized location. This would make it much more difficult for hackers to get access to all of your information. In order for an app to run on the blockchain, it needs to use smart contracts. A smart contract is essentially like a self-executing computer program that automatically executes when certain conditions are met.

The Benefits of Decentralized Applications

Decentralized applications are apps that run on the blockchain. Unlike traditional apps, decentralized applications are not controlled by any one party – rather, they can be run by anyone with access to the app’s code. This means that a decentralized application will always remain free from censorship or manipulation because it can’t be taken down and no single person controls it. The only way to make changes to a decentralized application is through consensus of its users – which makes for an open and transparent development process.

The Disadvantages of Decentralized Applications

The major disadvantage to decentralized applications is that they require significantly more resources than centralized applications because each node in the P2P network must process every transaction, which can lead to long wait times on slow internet connections. Another downside of decentralized code is that as soon as an internet connection goes down, so does the application. These apps also lack certain security measures like private key encryption and authentication methods like SSL certificates.


Decentralized applications, or DApp, are computer programs that provide services to other computer programs. The best way to think of them is as smart contracts that carry out the instructions they have been given. This means that they do not need to rely on centralized servers or third-party interference. Instead, their business logic and rules are written in code and stored on a blockchain network. These protocols execute automatically without any downtime, censorship, fraud or third party involvement because DApp are open source. Some examples of decentralized applications include Augur (a prediction market), Open Bazaar (a peer-to-peer ecommerce marketplace) and Ethereal (an open-source public blockchain).