The Importance of Education for Life


It gives us knowledge about the world. It helps us prepare for the challenges of life. It gives us a new perspective on life and changes us for better. You know when you should speak up and when you should keep quiet when you’re educated.

Literacy rates determine the progress of a nation. Unfortunately, education today is not for free. Education for everyone remains a distant goal.

Education is at the core of any country’s progress. See below for more details:

1. Education alleviates poverty

People with the necessary skills, such as reading, writing and numeracy, have more opportunities. They can discover the world and their life’s purpose. People who are educated are healthier and more productive at work. People who are educated do not become addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Education can assist people in choosing their career path and desired skills. We can achieve healthy and happy citizens with high literacy rates.

2. Education reduces crime rates

Education can help improve law and order in a particular area. They are more alert to fraudulent practices and can fight back against corrupt people. People are less willing to pay bribes, and they do not fall into the traps of criminals and cons.

If primary and secondary education were free and mandatory, it could prevent many children from committing crimes like robbery and rape. Children who attend university after completing their schooling are considered to be successful.

They will have a better chance of finding employment and won’t consider criminality as a way to survive. Education is therefore crucial to a safe and secure society.

3. Education reduces inequalities in society

Women were prohibited from earning money in our patriarchal society. They were also completely dependent on men and did not possess any property. They were often oppressed and discriminated against and made helpless. All this can be changed if more women attend schools and colleges. They learn about their rights, and they have the courage to fight justice.

Women from low-income households who work in the industry receive lower wages than men. Education can introduce a system that pays equal wages for equal work.

4. Only education can dispel myths and superstitions

We live in an incredibly diverse world, with many different cultural and traditional norms. Sometimes, our ancestral beliefs ruin someone’s life. Some people, for example, are deemed ill-fated from birth. We have grouped them as untouchables, and denied their rights.

Illiterate people are prone to believe in miracles, whereby a simple prayer will make a blind man see, a deaf person speak, and a lame woman walk. By believing in such myths, they end up wasting money.

Many fraudsters take advantage of people’s ignorance.

The education system promotes the scientific explanations for all events that occur in the world. Only educated people can eliminate the black market that is based on faith and religion.

5. Education can help prevent wars, terrorism and terrorist acts

The seed of hope is planted in the minds of young people by education. They dream and imagine a better future. War is a waste of time and money for everyone involved.

Protests and fighting can cause innocent people to lose their lives, their families, and even their future. Some innocent people also lose their homes, their families, and even their lives.

Humanity has irreversibly damaged Mother Nature when it depletes natural resources in the name war. Communication and compromise can be taught through a sound education system. We can find peaceful solutions to our problems by educating ourselves about these losses.

6. Health and hygiene are promoted through education

Kids are taught the importance of eating a healthy diet and maintaining cleanliness in primary school. Recycling and reuse are also promoted. We learn about the scarcity and importance of natural resources, as well as the conservation of nature and environment.

In everyday life, we make wise choices. When applied in practice, lessons on how to live in harmony with the natural world and keep the environment free of pollution could improve air, water and soil quality.

This will enhance the aesthetics of the surrounding area and attract more tourists.

7. Education sector problems

In our country, education is not free. Primary education reforms are not enough to reach the grassroots. Poor people can’t afford private school tuition fees.

Our education system is sad because of the low quality of government schools. Teachers and managers are also lacking in punctuality and discipline.

The number of school dropouts is increasing. These children are forced to work as workers and live in poverty the rest of their life. To progress as a country, the government must improve the conditions of all primary school in the nation.

The exams of today are a test of bookish knowledge. The students don’t possess any skills which can earn them money. Students aren’t ready to take low-paying jobs once they enter college. It leads to unemployment and exacerbates poverty.

Education, then and now

In ancient India, different types of knowledge were imparted to people based on their family’s occupation. Some people were sent to Gurukul, while others learned skills from their parents.

Distance learning is now the norm. One simple device, with an internet connection, could change one’s entire life.

We could reduce the illiteracy problem by providing all citizens with high-speed Internet services. Digital India aims to do the same.

We can therefore conclude that a motivating and exciting environment in school, along with the practical skills in demand would help many young people unlock their full potential.