Skin could get infected by fungus, making it appear red and feel itchy. This condition is called fungal infection. These infections usually appear at any part of the body or warm part of the body which retains some moisture. The infected area usually appears red at the edges. These are treated with topical drugs that are applied to the affected area or by orally taking anti-fungal drugs. So one can treat the fungal infection with the best cream for fungal skin infection in India or through available at home. Home products generally used for the treatment of fungal infection have anti-fungal properties, which help to cure the problem. Let’s discuss some home remedies for curing fungal skin infections-

  1. Apple cider vinegar- It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that make it efficient to treat fungal infections. It could be applied directly to the infected area or could be used in diluted form. Orally consuming a dilute solution of apple cider vinegar can also help in curing the infection caused by the fungus.
  2. Golden powder- Turmeric is gold in its properties. Turmeric or yellow tea can be sipped hot. It can also be used as a topical paste, mixed with water on the infected area. Its antimicrobial properties help in relieving the itching caused by the fungal infection.
  3. Licorice powder- Like Turmeric, licorice also contains anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties, which fight the infection and help to cure it. This is used as a paste with ample water and then concentrated by simmering it into a paste.
  4. Honey- Honey contains hydrogen peroxide that can combat fungal infection. Honey also helps to heal the infected area with its soothing properties.
  5. Neem leaves- Powder of neem leaves with water or fresh neem leaves made into a concentrated paste with some water can be applied to the fungal infected part, to relieve the problem.
  6. Probiotics- These contain clusters of healthy bacteria that improves one’s gut and helps to internally fight the fungal infection.
  7. Yogurt- Plain yogurt also contains abundant healthy bacteria that help to heal the fungal infection. This could be applied directly to the infected area and rinsed off. Eating plain yogurt can also help to cure fungal infections.
  8. Baking soda- If the fungal infection is in the foot, one can sprinkle baking soda in shoes that control the fungal infection and also control the moisture level. This could also be applied to the infected area as a powder or paste form.
  9.  Diluted oregano oil- Oregano oil has anti-fungal properties. It is used to treat fungal infection by mixing with water and applied to the affected area, to help to heal it.
  10. Aloe Vera- Aloe Vera is considered a blessing for skin health as it contains antioxidants and has anti-microbial properties. This is also used to fight fungal infection and to soothe the skin by healing it.
  11. Coconut oil- It is rich in vitamin E, which is essential for healthy skin. Application of the organic coconut oil to the fungal-infected area, help to heal and give a cooling effect to the skin.

A cure for the infection is a must. One can use some home remedy as the best cream to treat skin fungal infection or can consult a doctor if the problem persists or is not cured with home treatment