Benefits and Cons of Written Communication

Written Communication

One of the most important skills to possess in the current Information age is ‘Written Communication. A written message that is sent by two or more individuals is known as Written Communication.

Writing communication is of paramount importance in the modern business world. It requires creativity and new thoughts that are a part of our minds. It is essential for managers and business owners to improve their written communication skills. It also encourages the same among employees as well. Effective writing communication is vital to create effective promotional materials to promote business growth. Effective writing requires careful selection and use of terms, arrangement correctly in sentence construction and the unified sentence structure.

Interpretation of Written Words 

In a broad sense written communications are manuals, circulars, letters and reports as well as office memos, telegrams bulletins, and other forms of correspondence written.

The format is much more strict and formal method of communication. It’s not open to change. If a document is properly maintained, it keeps a record of future reference.

There are numerous advantages to written communication, like the ease of preserving and preserving information, ease of understanding and serving for legal purposes, much other advantages. However, just as everything has the two faces, so too does “written communication. There are a few drawbacks of written communication, which we’ll discuss further throughout this piece.

Prior to that, let’s jump into discussing the benefits of writing that are numerous.

The benefits of communication through writing 

1. Simple to Maintain

One of the primary benefits of writing communication is that documents are easy to keep when they are in written format. Communication that is non-verbal or oral cannot be preserved. Although it is possible to record it however it is not practical to take it down each time. Written communication is an opportunity to collect crucial information from earlier preserved information.

2. lucidity and comprehension

Another benefit of writing communication is that it allows for an unambiguous and thorough understanding of the message that is to be sent. Written communication offers us the ability to read the message multiple times until the receiver is fully aware of it. In addition, there are less chance that the information contained in the message is not being conveyed or isn’t being communicated. This means that the receiver is able to comprehend what the sender is trying to communicate. Communication that is non-verbal or oral is easy to forget The recipient may also be distracted and is not focused while listening. This isn’t the case for written communications.

3. Enduring Documentation

Another advantage of writing communications is the fact that written documents that are written communications act as an ongoing record. Additionally, the records of an organization typically are in written format, and can be highly valuable in future references.

For example: The previous instructions and decisions could serve as guidelines to future decisions as well as other sources. It will help save some time as well as effort in the future, if it is written.

4. Simplifies Presentation

Written communication gives us the advantage of communicating any information or subject efficiently and in a way that is more appealing. In business, executive can communicate the facts more clearly and accurately by writing a written document. It gives direction on how to present the information in a simple manner.

5. is an official record

Written documents are legal proof for business transactions and transactions. In the instance of a lawsuit the document that is admissible evidence is a written communications. Since it is evidence of legality and is a legal document, it must be treated in a proper manner and with obligation, and when writing it, all specifications are met.

6. There is no waste of time and money

Written communication has another benefit, as it helps avoid the waste of time and also money. This is due to the fact that all people or groups who are communicating their ideas or information can exchange information without meeting one another, i.e., the participants and receivers can discuss their ideas without meeting.

7. Lesser chance of distortion

Written communication also minimizes the chance of distortion. In written communication, the information is permanently stored and therefore the risk of distortion, or even modifications to the information is reduced. When communicating via orally transmitted communication, the person communicating might lose particular points or certain facts that are crucial in the course of speaking. However, because the contents of the message are written down, the chance of distortion is low with written communication.

8. Preserving Imagery

Written communication can help the company and also the individual to keep its name and image to other people. Effective communication will help build trust in the business and also help to boost its image.

9. Easy verification

You could have realized the benefits of writing. It is easy to determine the accuracy of any information that is unclear. You can look up the written records and determine whether what is reported or claimed is factual or not. It is simple to confirm the truth of any miscommunication that may occur between the two parties.

10. Other benefits of writing communication include The following advantages of written communication are

Written communication is frequently utilized as an example.

It could be used as a control tool for managing the activities of the organisation.

The person receiving the information has enough time to think, react and act.

For lengthy distance communication as well as repetitive standing orders, writing a written document can be very beneficial.

The cons of written Communication

1. Pricey

One of the downsides of writing communications is that they are costly compared to other communication. To write a letter, you need pen, paper, ink printers, typewriters and the maintenance of such equipment and machines computers and an abundance of employees are needed for the execution. It is also costly for a large group of individuals are required to create and distribute company letters that can be costly for any company. This is why it’s costly.

2. Time Consuming

Writing a letter is not just costly, but it is also extremely time-consuming. Writing and creating the message into written form is more time-consuming than communicating orally. Written messages may take up to 3 days before it reaches its recipient, whereas the message that is spoken can be communicated in mere minutes over the phone. In addition, writing messages are not instant as the response isn’t instantaneous. Also, it takes an extended period of effort and time in order to encode and transmit messages.

3. Incomplete confidentiality

Confidentiality of information isn’t always feasible when it comes to written communications, which is one of the major drawbacks of writing communication. Since written communication is sent to everyone who is concerned about the subject matter or information it is possible of information leakage by employees. This can cause negative consequences for the business and could result in loss.

4. Refusal in response and decision making

If the receiver of the message is located from the recipient and is in doubts that need to be clarified The response may not be spontaneous due to a inability to respond immediately and, in turn, leads to an inability to make a decisions.

5. The Red Tape Effect

It is among the most significant drawbacks in Written communication. The time required for the approval of any proposal is referred to as Red Tapism. All messages are typically communicated based on the Scalar chain, however occasionally, any letter or written communication remains on file, without taking any decision. The individual responsible for the issue deliberately caused delay in responding, which could result in delays in the next decision-making process.

6. Unfeasible for the Illiterate

Another drawback of writing communications is that it’s useless when the person who is communicating or the recipient can not write or read. If the sender isn’t literate or illiterate, he won’t be able to write an email or if the receiver isn’t literate, then the written message isn’t a good fit for him because he cannot understand it. This is often the reason for ineffective communication.

7. The fabrication of information

If any written message is against the interest or the concern of any higher official or a person with authority there is a risk that the message was fabricated by employees. They could embellish or exaggerate the facts in order to get the respect of superior authorities for their own personal gain. Additionally, if the sender is trying not to be criticized by other people they could flatter or exaggerate the details in their written letter.

8. Formation Complexity

Writing and composing any written messages demands the use of a variety of guidelines and rules, as well as a variety of formalities have to be followed. It must be formatted in the correct structure as per the goal of the writing process, which can cause some confusion to the person sendingor writer of the information.

9. There are additional drawbacks to writing communications, such as

written communications usually don’t offer an individual feel. This makes it difficult to convince people with written communications.

Because it is written in nature it’s not as adaptable and can’t be altered quickly.

Sometimes, because of the use of words that are complex and phrases, it can be difficult for readers to comprehend. A large amount of jargon is employed in reports and written documents that make them difficult to comprehend for non-specialists.

There can be delays in the quick clarification and corrections to the information. In a conversation it is easy to make a follow-up call to get clarification. This isn’t the case with written communications.

Although there are a few disadvantages of writing however, it remains an extremely popular method of communication. It is a reliable medium to share information with regards to business and legal matters because of its many advantages.