A Handy Guide to Long Vowel Sounds

Vowel Sounds

A Handy Guide to Long Vowel Sounds

When you show perusing and spelling, it’s smart to have an overall outline of long vowel sounds. We should make a plunge! A long vowel is a vowel that is articulated equivalent to its name. For instance, the word emu begins with the long E sound. Also Read: Words from y

It appears to be straightforward, correct? Yet, did you have at least some idea that long vowel sounds can be spelled four unique ways and that every way follows a particular spelling design?

The outline that follows will assist you with appreciating the situation about lengthy vowel sounds as you show perusing and spelling. Peruse on to find these helpful examples!

Four Ways to Form Long Vowel Sounds

1-A vowel toward the finish of a syllable can be long.
In the word we, as in We love emus, the vowel E is toward the finish of the syllable and says long E. In these words, the vowel toward the finish of a syllable is long: legend, howdy, music.

2-Silent E can make the past vowel long.

In the word charming, as in Emus are adorable, the long U sound is shaped by adding Silent E toward the finish of the word. Here are more words in which Silent E makes the past vowel long: tape, sparkle, code.

3-Vowel groups can make long vowel sounds.

Vowel groups are two vowels that cooperate to utter one sound. For instance, in the word eat, as in Emus eat seeds, vowel group EA says long E.

I or O can be long when they precede two consonants.

In the word walk, around in The emu took a walk, the letter O precedes two consonants and says its long vowel sound. In these words, I or O are well before two consonants.

So there you go — the four examples for spelling long vowel sounds!

We should Dive in a Little Deeper.

The outline beneath shows the most well-known ways of spelling the long vowel sounds.

Seeing these spellings generally accumulated in one spot is edifying for us, who are now capable perusers and spellers. However, I would suggest involving the diagram for reference or with a more established understudy who has previously dominated a large portion of these phonograms. I wouldn’t suggest overpowering a starting understudy by showing these spellings simultaneously. All things being equal, show these real examples to understudies steadily, each in turn.

Exercises to Teach Long Vowel Sounds

Could it be said that you are keen on perceiving how we show the four long vowel designs in All About Reading and All About Spelling? Here is an inspection for you to download and appreciate!

The Lowest Line for Training Long Vowel Sounds

With regards to showing long vowel sounds, this is the very thing you want to remember:

Long vowel sounds can be spelled in four distinct ways, each following a particular example.
Show these real examples to understudies gradually, each in turn.
Keep it fun! Utilize a wide assortment of fascinating exercises to assist your understudy with learning the four examples for framing long vowel sounds.

The Bottom Line for Teaching Long Vowel Sounds

With regards to showing long vowel sounds, this is the very thing that you want to remember:

Long vowel sounds can be spelled in four unique ways, each following a particular example.

Show these actual examples to understudies gradually, each in turn.

Keep it fun! Utilize a wide assortment of fascinating exercises to assist your understudy with learning the four examples for shaping long vowel sounds.

About Reading and All About Spelling walk you and your understudy through every one of the means expected to assist your understudy with figuring out how to peruse and spell. The projects are multisensory, inspiring, and complete with all you want. What’s more, on the off chance that you at any point need some assistance, we’re hanging around for you.