The Pikrous and Reproduction


In this context, the writer highlights issues like college costs and family debt that have recently received much scholarly and media scrutiny, in order to provide an engaging perspective that serves as the centerpiece of her essay.


The American pika (Ochotona princeps) is a small mammal closely related to rabbits and hares, living on herbivorous rock slopes and alpine meadows in North America. Primarily diurnal in winter months, these herbivores use call and sing calls to mark their territory, warn off any possible threats such as predators from below, attract mates, or defend against potential threats such as predatory birds.

Pikrous build their homes on rocks without digging burrows. Instead, during summer they collect grasses and wildflowers for use during the cold winter months, storing them in piles known as haypiles in locations where sunlight can dry them without inviting predators such as pikas to feast upon it all winter long.

Pikas are extremely susceptible to habitat disturbance. Projected increases in temperature, reduced snowpack due to climate change and changes in precipitation patterns with more rain than snow can have a dramatic impact on their survival by altering quality, quantity, water content and availability of alpine meadow vegetation – including their dependency on moderate winter snowpack for insulation against extreme cold.


A prominent natural historian described generation as the active creation of everything from minerals and plants, animals and humans alike. Reproduction, on the other hand, refers to copying; throughout most of human history this was understood as propagation.

Plants can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Asexual reproduction (known as hermaphroditic reproduction ) allows a single plant to provide both male and female gametes simultaneously, increasing genetic variation within a population and speeding the branching into evolutionary trees.

Pollen grains must be deposited onto the stigma of a female reproductive structure known as a carpel for sexual reproduction to take place, at which time pollen cell nuclei will fertilize an ovule with egg and endosperm cells to produce an embryo that develops into a new sporophytic plant or receive pollen from other sources for gametophyte production; alternatively a single plant could produce both types of gametophyte using flowers that self-pollinate or receive pollen from other sources for gametophyte production.